Is your child unable to cope in a mainstream or specialist setting?

Does your child need more than just academic support to restart their learning journey?

Does you child display behaviours that challenge if they are not understood or managed appropriately?

Does your child already receive care from staff who do not understand their needs?

Does your child need to access the community safely and with educational support?

Does your child need an assessment and a targeted plan to follow?

We can help

SENDCARE was created to ensure that young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities get the unique education and care that they deserve and are entitled to by law. There are increasing numbers of students with SEND unable to attend school for different reasons. These students often have complex needs and multiple agencies involved in their support. A successful package of support has to encompass all elements and at SENDCARE we have substantial experience in all areas of educational support and our specialist support workers carry out their work under the plan of a highly qualified manager.