A personalised approach will look different for each young person:
Example 1
A 15 year old student has not been in school for a year due to mental health difficulties and needs support to begin to be ready to learn again.
SENDCARE carried out an initial assessment and offered a community support package to support the student in addition to carrying out psychiatrist and OT recommendations in the community. The specialist support worker (SSW) liaised with the current home education teacher and supported what they were learning with practical activities.
Example 2
The 14 year old student has learning difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, Autism and challenging behaviours and has been expelled from school.
SENDCARE carried out an initial assessment and assigned a specialist support worker to supplement work that was already happening with a tutor. There was a private Speech and Language report and the specialist support worker carried out the targets assigned in the community. There was a careful plan written to address the challenging behaviours which the specialist support worker abides by and reported back regularly to the registered manager.
Example 3
The student has learning difficulties, is 17 years old and not in formal schooling.
The assessor suggested a programme of functional and living skills supported by AQA Unit Awards and the specialist support worker carried out the activities to support the student to gain formal qualifications.
Example 4
The student was referred to SENDCARE by a psychologist who needed a consistent and caring approach from a specialist support worker to carry out their recommendations.
The SSW and Director fed back to the psychologist at agreed points to share progress on the recommendations from the report.
There is magic in being different!